live digital archive launches

Local history, sound art, nature, ecology and community – the How does our garden grow? digital archive has it all, and is now ready to explore!

Discover Friern Manor Farm and its famous connections. Listen to memories of East Dulwich. Learn about our community day. See the beautiful flowers and plants we found during our citizen science project.

If you have photos, stories or local history to add to this live digital archive, or if you would like to be on the mailing list for future events, please email

What has struck me most during the How does our garden grow? project is local people’s willingness to share knowledge, and to work collaboratively to discover more about the history and plant biodiversity of our local area.

I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people and listening to their experiences and stories. This is just the start of a journey to connect our community through a shared interest in local history and ecology, so please join us when you can!

Sharon Neish, artist and project lead

How does our garden grow?

community event and exhibition

Sunday 14 July 10.00 to 16.00 free admission St Clement with St Peter Church Hall, 140 Friern Road, East Dulwich SE22 0AY

This event celebrates our local area with the launch of a digital archive of local history, geography and flora biodiversity alongside the Voices sound art installation. Come along to:

  • discover local history and biodiversity

  • encounter Voices a sound art installation by artist Sharon Neish and photographer Peter Cattrell, featuring the spoken word of local residents alongside their portraits

  • find out how to use the clay in your garden and make seed bombs with a demonstration by artist Sharon Neish

  • immerse yourself in a soundscape lounge

  • experience the quiet beauty of the St Clement with St Peter Church Orchard, the heritage fruit trees and other edibles grown there, led by Leonie and David Saywell, Orchard Volunteers

Enjoy cake and refreshments from the community cafe, including elderflower cordial made from flowers collected on the Friern Manor Farm Estate. Free packets of seeds will be given out in return for your comments and views on this event.

With special thanks to Mother Delorine and the congregation of St Clement with St Peter Church for enabling this event to take place.