Collecting data 2024

To discover what grows today in the Friern Manor Farm Estate catchment area, we launched a citizen science project, where local people recorded wildflowers and trees during May and June 2024.

Using your phone to collect data

These volunteer recorders used the iNaturalist app to identify and document their observations.

Over 100 wildflowers, grasses and trees were identified from nearly 250 observations. In addition to exciting curiosity about the plant ecology of the area, this citizen science project has prompted people to register interest in the project and in some cases offer further information and help – from sharing old maps and house deeds to invitations to visit old oak trees or their wild patches of garden, and impart knowledge on local history and ecology.

iNaturalist app screenshot

You can still record plants and trees by downloading the free iNaturalistUK app and adding the How does our garden grow? project to your account.

Start taking photos of plants and trees, and use the iNaturalistUK app to help you identify the species type.

If you are also measuring the age of a tree, please add the age in the notes section of your observation.

If you have any problems or questions please contact us at